Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a weekend I haven't been in the US for in years. This year is different, not only am I here but COVID-19 has changed the way we look at weekends, life, everything. So now here I sit after enjoying a beautiful weekend at home and wondering what the next year will bring. This year we've altered plans -- camping in the backyard during Memorial Weekend instead of going to campgrounds. We've had races that have moved to the virtual realm versus doing them in "real life". Our friends are found on Zoom or Google Meets, I'm teaching students via Google Meets instead of talking to them in my classroom. Everything has changed but there is one thing that hasn't. We still need to connect on one level or another and that's what we're doing. Social media is supposed to be the place where we can connect to those around us but it has gone from something that was once positive to a very negative place for many people. If someone doesn't a...