Why am I starting this Blog?

  In July of 2019, I ended my overseas adventure and moved back to my hometown to start a new adventure.  This adventure involves living and working the US while raising my daughter but it also entails a desire to move towards the tech field and see what I can become while pushing myself in ways I hadn't before.
  First and foremost, running has continued to be an important part of my day to day functioning.  It helps me settle and be balanced and for that I am grateful.  The joys of running begins with the run but always ends with friends.  Moving to a new place is hard, thankfully finding people who run isn't as hard as finding friends in general.
  But since I need a challenge, I signed up for Gazelle Girl 2020 Half Marathon and RiverBank 2020 (25k).  Then on a whim, I found out that New York City was celebrating the 50th anniversary of its marathon.  The next thing I knew, after a conversation with my biggest supporter, I was signed up for a charity team and committed to raising $3500 AND running 26.2 miles (.  It's still setting in and will take a bit as I work through all the emotions of this one crazy challenge... 
  Then we have the desire to move to tech.  I've been playing with code for the last 2 years and really took a long break during this move to the US.  Now that we've moved into our home and are finally feeling settled it's time to start working through the steps to become a developer.  What will that mean?  I'm not sure right now. 
  There are goals professionally to make:
       1. Work remotely
       2. Find a team I enjoy working with
       3. Work on projects that mean something to me.
  I know, all of it sounds way easier said than done.  But that's why I've made this blog.  This blog will keep track of my running and my developer journey as I work through what needs to happen at each step of the process.  Will it be updated daily?  I don't know, at least once a week but we'll see.  Life is full of surprises that we should be excited about and I believe the next few months will definitely have a few of those!


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